BREAK THE RULES Showcase | FilmingLife® ArtHouse Film Project

The Term 1 2024 theme for our ArtHouse Film Project was led by FilmingLifer PRO Lindsey DeCicco and was all about Breaking the Rules.

For this theme Lindsey really wanted to challenge our members to think about the rules they usually follow in their filmmaking and how they could go about intentionally breaking them for artistic and narrative purposes.

Some examples of rules we encouraged members to try breaking: Rule of Thirds - Breaking the Fourth Wall - Camera Movements - Editing Transitions - Audio & Sound FX - Using different types of music - Changing aspect ratios - Intentional jump cuts - Mixing stills & video - Zooming while filming.

All ArtHouse themes are broken in to 2 levels. For the BREAK THE RULES theme the levels were defined as follows -

For Level One BREAK THE RULES films we asked our members to create a short film that breaks a photography or videography rule.

For Level Two BREAK THE RULES films we asked members to create a short film using a technique that breaks a rule for story telling purposes OR create a short film that breaks multiple rules.

As always the films that were submitted & created by our members were just amazing, and we’re so pleased to present them to you today…

ArtHouse Showcase - Educators Choice Award

The Educator’s Choice Award is chosen by the Lead Educator of the film project as those that fully embody the spirit of the FilmingLife® ArtHouse, and are noted for their storytelling, creativity and unique interpretation of the theme.

Melissa Hines

What Lindsey said about Melissa's film -
”Melissa's film has so much going on that it's almost hard to land on a few sentences to describe why it's receiving the Educator's Choice this round. The layering edits are dizzying in the best possible way. The creative use of speed ramps are really giving me three boy-energy, yet I love how her son's personalities and their relationships with their parents are so well showcased here. The fun, upbeat lyrical song mixed with voices is proving that you don't need to have sweet sentimental lyrics for an emotional film. Breaking that rule proves you can still find heart in your edit.”

You can view Melissa’s award-winning film below and find her on Instagram @melissahinesphoto

ArtHouse Showcase - Honourable Mention

Kristine Esposito

You can view more of Kristine’s work via her website & Instagram account @kristine_esposito_photography


Michelle Hughes

You can view more of Michelle's work via her website & Instagram account @michelle_ann_photography


Nora Mullen

You can view more of Nora’s work via her website & Instagram account @noramullenfilms

See more BREAK THE RULES Showcase Films below...


Educator Features

Theme Leader: FilmingLifer PRO Lindsey DeCicco @lindseydeciccophotography

The FilmingLife® ArtHouse Film Project is a series of bi-monthly Educator & FilmingLifer member-led mini courses + showcase opportunities for FilmingLife® Members.

Lead Educator Kylie Purtell & handpicked FilmingLifers have chosen 6 themes for the year. Some themes are specific to a technique and others are more broad to give our members the freedom to interpret them as they like.

For each theme, we provide tips, tutorials, and inspiration to encourage and support Members as they work on their film projects.

Start your filmmaking journey today.


STORYTELLING Showcase | FilmingLife® ArtHouse Film Project


2023 ArtHouse Artist of the Year Showcase