DAILY LIFE Showcase | FilmingLife® ArtHouse Film Project
The Term 3 2024 theme for our ArtHouse Film Project was led by FilmingLifer PRO Melissa Hines and was all about filming daily/weekly and creating Day in the Life or daily life films.
For this theme Melissa challenged our members to pick up their camera more often and capture scenes from their normal, life.
The goal was to create a film that covered more than just one day, and showcased the beauty and special moments that can be found when we truly start looking around us.
All ArtHouse themes are broken in to 2 levels. For the DAILY LIFE theme the levels were defined as follows -
Film over the course of the next two months and edit the clips together into a visual diary of a season in the life film.
Film over the course of the next two months, but also utilize one or more creative techniques while filming and/or editing to intentionally build an overall feeling for your season in the life film.
As always the films that were submitted & created by our members were just amazing, and we’re so pleased to present them to you today…
The Educator’s Choice Award is chosen by the Lead Educator of the film project as those that fully embody the spirit of the FilmingLife® ArtHouse, and are noted for their storytelling, creativity and unique interpretation of the theme.
Marcos & Aby Guerrero
What Melissa said about their film -
”Marcos and Aby really blew me away with how they shot and edited this film! What stuck out the most was how they used different points of view to build such a raw, in the moment feeling. I loved getting such an intimate view every time one of them filmed their partner and child together. We get to really appreciate what drew each of them in and feel their love for their family. And I loved how they alternated between a parental point of view and their son's point of view to really draw me into all of the action of those seemingly mundane everyday moments. I could not stop smiling while watching this film!”
You can view Marcos & Aby’s award-winning film below and find them on Instagram @reminiscifilms
Paige Gotts
You can view more of Paige’s work via her website & Instagram account @paigegotts.photosandfilms
Julia Xanthos Liddy
You can view more of Julia's work via her website & Instagram account @juliaxanthosliddy
Laura Duffy
You can view more of Laura's work via her website & Instagram account @mrslauraduffy
See more DAILY LIFE Showcase Films below...
FilmingLifer PRO Lindsey DeCicco | @lindseydeciccophotography
Elise Cook | @elisecookphotography
Stephanie Soltau | @stephaniesoltau
Educator Feature
Theme Leader & FilmingLifer PRO Melissa Hines | @melissahinesphoto