2023 ArtHouse Artist of the Year Showcase

One of our favourite things here at FilmingLife® is seeing our members create personal films that hold a really special place in their heart. You can feel how much they love to create these films, but in the busyness of life, learning and running a business, our own personal work often gets pushed to the side.

In 2021 we introduced something brand new to the FilmingLife® Academy. We wanted something that would complement our existing education & courses and give our members an opportunity to try new skills and push their filmmaking to the next level.

We also wanted to give them a good reason to pull the camera out and create just for them, to practice their skills on projects that will mean so much to them in the years to come.

And so, the ArtHouse Film Projects were born!

Each new project is designed to build on the last and equip members with a full tool box of skills & techniques that they can then utilise and implement in both their personal and client work.

The ArtHouse in 2023 featured 6 themes, Show Don’t Tell, Stop Motion, Light, Overlays, Composition & Alternative Light. Our members exceeded all expectations with the films they created and boy did they blow us away with not only the quality of their films, but how they applied the things they were learning and used those skills to create films that just got better and better.

We applaud all of our members who participated in the ArtHouse Film Projects in 2023, whether they created one film or 6. And we want to take a moment to celebrate those members who completed to a high standard and took out the Educator’s Choice Awards and Honourable Mentions.

To celebrate our member’s achievements we’d like to present to you our ArtHouse Film Project 2023 Showcase and our ArtHouse Artist of the Year….

ArtHouse Artist of the Year

Lindsey DeCicco

Completed 5 films and took out an Educator’s Choice Awards & an Honourable Mention

What Beth said about Lindsey’s award winning STOP MOTION film -

”Lindsey’s film stood out to me in this arthouse theme because she used stop motion in a creative and useful way. She not only learned how to create a stop motion, but she used it in a very natural way that was incorporated into a little film of some time with her son. I love that she had audio with her son talking throughout the film, that helped me to feel engaged in the story. Lindsey used this new stop motion skill in a way that each of us family film makers can use in our own work on a regular basis, that is an invaluable skill to add to our toolbox. I hope other filmmakers can be inspired by this film as it makes stop motion an attainable technique to use.”

You can view Lindsey’s award-winning films below and find her on Instagram @lindseydeciccophotography

Honourable Mention for the theme Overlays

1st Runner-Up, ArtHouse Artist of the Year

Leah Lopez

Completed 6 films and took out an Educator’s Choice Award and an Honourable Mention

What Courtney said about Leah’s award winning LIGHT film -

”It can be so challenging to tell a story with light, but the concept that Leah came up with for her film worked beautifully. I could feel the dream that the child was having with the tight shots, blur, and light play with the water. The story and use of light was well executed throughout the film, well done Leah!”

You can view Leah’s award-winning films below and find her on Instagram @lavenderhoneyphotography

Honourable Mention for the theme Stop Motion

2nd Runner-Up, ArtHouse Artist of the Year

Marcos & Aby Guerrero

Completed 3 films and took out an Educator’s Choice Award and a Honourable Mentions

What Kylie said about Marcos & Aby’s award winning OVERLAYS film -

”This film really gets to the heart of why it is we capture stories with video. A wonderful legacy film, Marcos & Aby use their vintage overlay to great effect to differentiate the lifestyle footage from the interview footage. They’ve done such a great job on using the overlays and blending the two types of footage in this film and I really loved hearing Lolo & Lola’s story.”

You can view Marcos & Aby’s award-winning films below and find them on Instagram @reminiscifilms

Honourable Mention for the theme LIGHT

Honourable Mention for the theme COMPOSITION


3rd Runner-Up, ArtHouse Artist of the Year

Sarah MacClary

Completed 4 films and took out 2 Honourable Mentions

You can view Sarah’s award-winning films below and find her on Instagram @corvallisvideo.

Honourable Mention for the theme COMPOSITION

Honourable Mention for the theme ALTERNATIVE LIGHT


ArtHouse Artist of the Year - Honourable Mentions

The ArtHouse Film Projects produced some of the best work we’ve seen come out of the FilmingLife® community. There were many Educator’s Choice Award Winners and Honourable mentions for each theme of the project, and they all deserve recognition for their creativity, storytelling and dedication to the craft of family filmmaking and dedication to their work.

Educator’s Choice Award - Show, Don’t Tell

Jessica Macias

Educator’s Choice Award Winner - Composition

Suzane Bacelar

Educator’s Choice Award - Alternative Light

Paul Delazzer

Honourable Mention - Show, Don’t Tell

Honourable Mention - Show, Don’t Tell

Laura Duffy

Honourable Mention - Show, Don’t Tell

Melissa Hines

Honourable Mention - Stop Motion

Ashley Lewis

Honourable Mention - Stop Motion

Honourable Mention - Overlays

Krystal Franke

Honourable Mention - Overlays

Stephanie Soltau

Honourable Mention - Alternative Light


This post only scratches the surface of the amazing work that was created for the ArtHouse Film Projects in 2023. We highly recommend that you take the time to watch all of the incredible films that were submitted to the ArtHouse in 2023 by clicking the link below…

Click Here to watch all of the ArtHouse Film Project submissions for 2023

If you’d like to join us in the ArtHouse and learn more about creating films for families with confidence, sign up to FilmingLife® Academy.

See More Film Projects


BREAK THE RULES Showcase | FilmingLife® ArtHouse Film Project


SHOWCASE: “Alternative Light” Film Projects | FilmingLife® ArtHouse