What does it take to become a FilmingLifer?

What is a FilmingLifer?
Our goal for the Academy is to create a place where filmmakers can not only learn together and support each other, but where they can also push themselves creatively and technically whilst being recognised once they’ve reached a high level of skill in their craft.
We created the FilmingLifer Program to fill this need.
A FilmingLifer is a member who demonstrates sound knowledge of filmmaking techniques and professional practice.
What are the benefits of becoming a FilmingLifer?
Becoming a FilmingLifer gives you additional benefits such as access to a private group of FilmingLifers on the FilmingLife® Network, and a badge to display on your website.
You’ll also receive a certificate of achievement, and opportunities to be featured on the FilmingLife® UNFILTERED Podcast, FilmingLife® website and social media accounts, which helps your business with SEO and exposure as a recognised family filmmaker.

How do I become a FilmingLifer?
Once you've been a FilmingLife® Academy Member for at least 4 months, and completed the 100 & 200-level courses in the Academy, then you might be ready to test your knowledge and become a FilmingLifer.
There is no schedule for when members take this assessment, they can wait for as long as they like or start as soon as they reach the end of their fourth month.
The FilmingLife® Academy Core Curriculum Assessment has been created to measure a member’s level of comprehension of the materials covered in the FilmingLife® Academy 100 & 200-level courses taught by Founder & Lead Educator Courtney Holmes.
It's comprised of approximately 20, multiple choice or true/false questions. It is a timed assessment, and in order to pass, members must score at least 85 out of 100 points.
While you can try your hand at the test anytime after your first 4 months and completing the 100 & 200-level courses, we do limit tries to 3 times in a 12-month period. So if a member doesn’t pass on the first try they can always try again.
We want as many of our members to pass the test as possible, so if you find you’re getting caught up on a particular question, you can always seek advice & help from our supportive Network members to help you work through and consolidate your knowledge. FilmingLife® Community Manager Kylie Purtell also offers 1:1 online filmmaking mentoring, and some members choose to book a session with Kylie to help expand their skills & knowledge and get tailored help & feedback.
Meet some of our FilmingLifers...
What happens after I become a FilmingLifer?
As outlined above, we have a range of benefits for our FilmingLifer members. In addition to this, once you’ve become a FilmingLifer you may wish to start working towards the next step, becoming a FilmingLifer PRO.
What is a FilmingLifer PRO?
FilmingLifer PRO's are an elite group of family filmmakers who strive for a professional level of excellence and exemplify artistry in the films they produce.
When you become a FilmingLifer PRO you'll get a FilmingLifer PRO Badge for your website, gain the opportunity to submit to lead Arthouse Mini Courses, submit articles for our website to boost your SEO, do takeovers of our social media accounts and participate in the FilmingLife® Network as a recognised leader & mentor in the community.

How do I become a FilmingLifer PRO?
To become a FilmingLifer PRO you must submit a portfolio of 5 films, with at least 3 of those 5 films being longer than 2 minutes. Your portfolio will then be assessed by at least two FilmingLife® Educators, and will be scored across 5 different categories -
Artistic Voice:
This category will measure the strength of the artists ability to convey their message or story in their own unique voice.
Creative Storytelling:
This category measures the artists ability to create a compelling visual narrative with their edit.
Sound Design:
This category measures the artists ability to include ambient audio mixed in with music in a way that is seamless and smooth and adds to the narrative of the film without distracting from it.
Camera Techniques:
This category will measure the artists level of consistency and skill with regards to exposure, composition, camera movements and shot selection.
This category will measure the artists use of basic editing techniques including basic colour correction and colour grading, as well as timing to the music, emotional impact, and overall video quality.
Each film submitted will be given a score between 5-25. These scores will be added up to create a total across the portfolio.
Applicants must receive an average of 95 total points out of 125 to receive FilmingLifer Pro status.
Listen to an interview with our first FilmingLifer PRO Francesca Russell