SHOWCASE: “Alternative Light” Film Projects | FilmingLife® ArtHouse
The November / December theme for our ArtHouse Film Project was led by FilmingLifer PRO Ashley Lewis and was all about ALTERNATIVE LIGHT.
A lot of our members have gotten really comfortable with using different types of natural light, so for this theme we really wanted everyone to push themselves and seek out alternative light sources to film in.
Some examples of alternative light we encouraged members to try: Lamp light - Christmas lights - Campfire light - Flashlights/torches - Device screens - Candles - Toys - Night lights - Sparklers - Anything that might create artificial light.
All ArtHouse themes are broken in to 2 levels. For the ALTERNATIVE LIGHT theme the levels were defined as follows -
For Level One ALTERNATIVE LIGHT films we asked our members to create a film that intentionally used alternative lighting in one scene.
For Level Two ALTERNATIVE LIGHT films we asked members to create a film that used alternative lighting sources throughout as a tool for storytelling.
As always the films that were submitted & created by our members were just amazing, and we’re so pleased to present them to you today…
The Educator’s Choice Award is chosen by the Lead Educator of the film project as those that fully embody the spirit of the FilmingLife® ArtHouse, and are noted for their storytelling, creativity and unique interpretation of the theme.
Suzane Bacelar
What Ashley said about Suzane's film -
”Suzanne proves to us that you don’t have to make a long film to make magic! By layering alternative light clips with close up shots of her family, Suzanne was able to make such an engaging and dynamic short film that’s full of holiday cheer. Add in the whole family’s dance moves, cut and timed perfectly to the beat, and you have a film that’s absolutely full of charm. Excellent job Suzanne and congratulations!!”
You can view Suzane'’s award-winning film below and find her on Instagram @suzanebacelar
Sarah MacClary
You can view more of Sarah’s work via their Instagram account @corvallisvideo
Stephanie Soltau
You can view more of Stephanie’s work via her Instagram account @stephaniesoltau
See more ALTERNATIVE LIGHT Showcase Films below...
Joy Knox
Educator Features
Theme Leader: Ashley Lewis
FilmingLifer PRO Lindsey DeCicco @lindseydeciccophotography
FilmingLife Community Manager Kylie Purtell @kyliepurtell